“The Cost of Hair Follicle Drug Testing: Factors Affecting Pricing and Understanding the Investment”

Understanding Hair Follicle Testing: Costs and Considerations

Introduction to Hair Follicle Drug Testing

Hair follicle testing is a method used to detect drugs and other substances in a person’s system over a more extended period compared to urine or blood tests. It involves analyzing a small sample of hair, usually from the head, which can provide a three-month overview of substance use. This testing method has become particularly popular among employers for pre-employment screenings and is also used in legal settings and substance abuse monitoring programs.

Why Opt for Hair Follicle Testing?

Hair follicle tests are favored for several reasons. Firstly, they have a longer detection window, which means they can trace drug use back up to 90 days, depending on hair length. Secondly, they are difficult to adulterate. Since the hair is collected in a controlled environment, there’s a lower risk of sample tampering. Additionally, hair tests can provide a detailed record of a person’s drug history, making it a valuable tool for monitoring substance abuse over time.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Hair Follicle Testing

The cost of a hair follicle test can vary significantly based on several key factors. These include the type of drugs being tested for, the number of substances included in the screening, the location where the test is being administered, and the facility’s reputation and accreditation. Drug panels can range from a simple five-panel test to more extensive screens that cover a wider range of substances. Furthermore, some tests may include additional confirmatory tests to ensure the accuracy of the results.

The Testing Process

The hair follicle test process is relatively straightforward. A sample of approximately 100 to 120 strands of hair is cut from the crown of the head, close to the scalp. If head hair is unavailable, body hair from other parts of the body can be used. The collected hair is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. It’s important to ensure that the laboratory processing the test adheres to high standards and has the necessary certifications to provide accurate and reliable results.

Average Cost Range

The average cost of a hair follicle test can range from $100 to $150, but prices can go as high as $200 or more for tests with extended drug panels. It’s crucial to note that while some testing facilities may offer lower prices, it is essential to verify that they maintain high-quality standards and have the proper accreditations to ensure the validity of the test results.

Insurance Considerations

In most cases, hair follicle tests are not covered by health insurance as they are often used for employment or legal purposes rather than medical reasons. However, if there is a medical necessity for the test, partial coverage might be possible. It’s advised to check with your insurance provider to determine if any part of the testing cost can be covered under your specific plan.

Choosing the Right Testing Facility

When selecting a facility for a hair follicle test, it is essential to consider factors such as the facility’s reputation, accreditation, and the quality of service provided. Organizations like the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provide certification to laboratories that meet their rigorous standards. Choosing a certified lab ensures that the testing procedures and results meet industry standards for accuracy and reliability.

Payment Options and Financial Assistance

For those who may find the cost of hair follicle testing prohibitive, some facilities offer payment plans or financial assistance. It is worth inquiring about these options if cost is a concern. Additionally, some employers may cover the cost of the test if it is a requirement for employment.

Legal Implications and Privacy

Hair follicle testing has legal ramifications, particularly in employment and family law cases. The results of the test can impact hiring decisions, child custody, and other legal matters. It is vital to understand that the right to privacy should be respected and that proper consent must be obtained before administering the test.

Future of Hair Follicle Testing

Advancements in technology continue to improve the accuracy and efficiency of hair follicle testing. As the test becomes more sophisticated, the potential for detecting a wider range of substances increases, which may affect the cost structure of these tests in the future. It is also possible that with increased demand and competition among testing facilities, the price of hair follicle tests may become more affordable.


Hair follicle testing is a valuable tool for detecting drug use over an extended period. While the cost can be a consideration for many, it is important to prioritize the quality and accuracy of the test by choosing a reputable facility. The implications of the test results are significant, and ensuring that the testing process is carried out professionally is essential. By understanding the factors affecting the cost and the importance of selecting a certified testing facility, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions when considering hair follicle testing.